Laura Komocsin

Managing Director, Business Coach Ltd

Leadership and Management | Coaching, Author, Business

Laura Komocsin


Laura has been working as a professional coach since 2003, after her career as a management consultant at Accenture. She has successfully supported executives and senior executives of several multinational companies, including CXO clients worldwide from Sao Paulo through Toronto to Seoul.

Laura became a Master Certified Coach (MCC) credentialed by the International Coaching Federation in 2020. She was the founder and first president of the ICF Hungary Chapter and has been serving as an Advisory Board member ever since.
She teaches executive coaching at University. She wrote 8 books about coaching; “The Toolful Coach” was translated from English to Arabic.
She developed the SPARKLE coaching model and the Periodic Table of Coaching Tools. In 2014 she launched a global CSR program in self-coaching: her self-coaching ebook is translated to 24 languages, making self-coaching tools available to 5 billion people all around the world.