Albert Bright

Worldsavior and Keynote Speaker: Inventor of Time, Space, Perpetuum-Mobile, and Globalonomy Formulas,

Leadership and Management | Scientist, Society & reform, Economics

Albert Bright


Albert Bright is an innovative thinker and inventor who has developed groundbreaking formulas in time, space, dark matter, dark energy, dynamic relativity, the Big Bang, and the universal universe-formula. He also created a new universe model, the perpetuum-mobile, to optimize various aspects of globalonomy, including economy, currency, knowledge, wisdom, peace, liberty, health, wealth, welfare, sustainability, and climate. His work aims to enhance global understanding and improve living conditions worldwide. Albert is the author of influential books such as "AstronTimeOnomy," "AstronSpaceOnomy," and "AstronEfficiencyOnomy," which explore his pioneering concepts and their applications.